+256 700 722 878

Masterwood Plaza, Ndeba , Masaka Rd. 1st. Floor, Suit No. 01


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1) Five hundred thousand shillings only (500,000/=) will be deposited as initial amount for account opening.

    2) In case you wish to withdraw your money before accomplishment of the intended goal of land purchase 30% will be deducted from the deposited amount as disturbance penalty.

    3) When you save up to 50% of a desired plot you are free to inspect and attach your money to a particular plot then pay in installments for period which will be agreed upon in agreement.

    4) Because prices fluctuate you will always buy the plot at the current prevailing price.

    5) On inspection date, clients without personal vehicles will be required to contribute on fuel.

    6) We have different payment options which include bank deposits, cash and mobile money payments. Details are provided upon request.

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